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TB-500 10Vials [5mg / 1Vial] - Peptides

TB-500 10Vials [5mg / 1Vial] - Peptides

Buy Peptides Get TB-500 10Vials [5mg / 1Vial] - Peptides Box of 10Vials , 5mg / vial. Total 50mg TB-500 TB-500 promotes substantial wound healing, recovery, tissue regeneration, regrowth, and injury protective effects. It has been shown in clinical study and real-world veterinary use to have a si...
  • Manufactured by: Peptides Manufacturers
2019 Units in Stock

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Get TB-500 10Vials [5mg / 1Vial] - Peptides
Box of 10Vials , 5mg / vial. Total 50mg TB-500

TB-500 promotes substantial wound healing, recovery, tissue regeneration, regrowth, and injury protective effects. It has been shown in clinical study and real-world veterinary use to have a significant beneficial impact on muscle, ligament, tendon, cartilage, and bone tissue in animals. These tissues are frequently under intense stress in training and competition and are under constant threat of injury. While performance injuries due to overuse and muscle/connective tissue imbalance are particularly common, at the very least, inadequate recovery greatly hinders physical progress, as improvements in strength and growth are entirely dependent upon sufficient bodily repair from training stimulus.

As a result, proper veterinary administration can stimulate considerable improvements in strength, endurance, and overall competitive performance. Further, these benefits can promote the enhancement of overall fitness and health as well, preventing injuries and decreasing recovery time between training sessions. Positive effects on hair growth have also been observed in animal studies, with clinical research showing increases in hair growth rate through TB-500's beneficial effects on hair stem cells.

Dosage Information
TB-500 protocols generally utilize 5 ? 10 milligrams per week. Importantly, optimal dosage protocols are commonly divided into 2 phases: loading and maintenance. The loading phase is the first phase and will typically last about 6 weeks, during which 5-10 mg are split into 1-3 weekly administrations. The purpose of the loading phase is to ensure a sufficient buildup of TB-500 to immediately stimulate healing and recovery of damaged tissue.

Following completion of the loading period, dosage amounts can be scaled back, and the maintenance phase begins. As the name suggests, the purpose of this phase is to maintain the recovery, healing, and injury preventative benefits of Thymosin for as long as required. Typically, one administration of about 2.5 -5 mg per week is recommended.

Side Effects
TB 500 has not been shown to cause adverse side effects at recommended dosage levels in any study conducted at this time. Further, long term veterinary use for racing animals such as horses and greyhounds has also revealed no negative side effects as reported by trainers and veterinarians around the world.

Additionally, it is important to note that Thymosin Beta 4 does not have any effect or impact on the animal's natural production of sex hormones (i.e. testosterone or estrogen) or growth factors such as growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1. Critically, TB4 exerts its effects through entirely different mechanisms of action and has not been observed to interfere in any way with the animal's natural physical equilibrium.

Note : Mix it with Bacteriostatic Water (not included)
Top cap color : Red

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This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 18 September, 2018.